Thank you for your support!
Our giving is more than just a shared responsibility to support the ministries of the church; it is also a spiritual act of service to God. In giving, we grow to understand God as our provider and our role as stewards of what God provides for us. In giving, we are able to share our life as we give from the fruits of our labors. Together our gifts are multiplied to share the life changing power of Christ everywhere and every day.
Your gift is a spiritual act of worship and goes forth to share God's blessings with others, locally and worldwide. Thank you for serving Christ through giving!
Other ways to give
In Person or by Mail
We always are happy to see you in the church office. You can bring a check or cash by during office hours (By Wesley Hall) or mail your giving to 110. N friendswood Drive Friendswood, Texas 77546
Mobile Giving
We take them with us everywhere. And now, we can use them to benefit God's kingdom through giving. We have two easy ways: Mobile App or Text!
Mobile app / getting started
Search for ShelbyNext Giving in your App store:
For Apple, click HERE
For Android, click HERE
Make sure your location services are turned ON. When you launch the app, search for our church by typing Friendswood United Methodist Church in the search window. Login or create a donor profile. Once logged in, make a donation by tapping the + icon.
Bank Draft
Automate your giving an easy bank draft- with no processing fees. You may update or change your giving at any time simply by contacting the finance office. Complete the form and mail it to our office Attn: Finance Office or drop it in the offering plate on Sunday morning.
IRA distributions
Under certain conditions, distributions made directly to the church from IRAs may be excluded from your taxable income. Please contact your financial advisor for more information.
Non-cash donations
Under certain conditions, gifts of appreciated securities may be made to the church without having to include the gain in your taxable income. Please contact your financial advisor to determine if you qualify. Contact the Finance Office for information on how to transfer the securities to the church.
Gifts through wills, trusts, and estates
Contact the Finance Office for assistance in remembering Friendswood UMC in your estate planning.
Employer gift matching programs
Many companies will match charitable gifts, meaning that your gift will double or maybe even triple. Check with your employer to determine if this option applies to you.
Learn more about or Freedom for the Future Campaign