WHAT IS A LIFE GROUP? A LifeGroup is a group of 8-10 people who love and support each other in their journey in faith…right where they are. It is built on a foundation of personal growth, supportive prayer, and loving, grace-filled community. Become part of a LifeGroup because knowing more about Jesus and the word of God doesn’t necessarily translate into becoming more like Jesus in real life. Becoming fully devoted followers of Christ (disciples) is not a solo journey…connecting to, praying with, and encouraging one another is vital for applying our faith in God to our real life circumstances. LifeGroups are formed from a common desire to support one another and to become increasingly faithful Christians who are growing in love of God and others. They are especially focused on being made new by the grace of God and consist of people who want to more effectively practice their faith.



  • Meet weekly (usually) for 1 – 1.5 hours
  • 8-10 members
  • A Lifegroup is a safe (what is said in LifeGroup stays in LifeGroup), non-judgemental, grace-filled place for people who want to know God, or know more of God, to grow--- starting right where they are. As a result of sharing struggles and successes in our real lives and lifting them to the Lord and one another in prayer, we can find we are experiencing God in newer and deeper ways than ever before.
  • Respect the clock: Each person does their best to share (guided by about 3-5 questions) in about 10 minutes so there is still time to pray.
  • One Counselor (the Holy Spirit): Listen and pay attention to how the Holy Spirit might prompt you to pray for one another. (Rather than just giving advice or interrupting.)
  • Comfort with empathy: Hold space for others to open their hearts. Rather than offering pity or sympathy, TUNE IN to what the Holy Spirit might be saying to --- bless, encourage, and build up one another.


  • Men’s LifeGroups (we have various Men’s groups that meet on weekdays, weekends, mornings and evenings)
  • Women’s/Mom’s LifeGroups (womens/moms/widows/seniors/multigenerational etc. LifeGroups meet a various times of the day, some at church, some in homes)
  • Young Adults (ages 18-35) This LifeGroup meets on Tuesdays 6-8pm
  • Couples/singles in the same stage of life (If childcare is available at the church some of these groups meet on the church campus so they can be close to the nursery/childcare area).
  • Some LifeGroups may be going through the same thing: divorce, loss of spouse, singles etc.
  • Multigenerational LifeGroups can learn so much from one another.
  • What could God be nudging you to be a part of or to form?


For more information contact: Janis Finch, Adult Discipleship Director, 

(281) 482 - 7535 ext. 121


Discipleship begins with understanding what God has done FOR US. Then discipleship moves to God doing this work IN US. Finally, it matures as God does this work THROUGH US in the world.


Not all small groups are equally effective in helping us lead transformed lives in our real life situations.  We concentrate on offering two types of small groups that are both important for becoming disciples of Jesus.



(i.e., pastor led studies, Sunday classes, bible studies)

Information-driven groups help us to understand what God has done FOR US and focus primarily on studying God’s Word and are organized by a common curriculum.  Biblical literacy and basic awareness of basic Christian doctrine are important for faithful Christian living.  However, if the information we learn about these teachings and Christ’s example is not applied to real life it is not an effective way to help us become mature Christians and good examples of Christ in the world. Therefore, we also offer Transformation Drive Groups called LifeGroups.



(i.e., LifeGroups)

Transformation-driven groups help us focus on God’s work and power IN US, in our real life situations, not on discussion or mastery of content, but on changed lives. These small groups are organized around a common desire to support one another to become increasingly faithful Christians who are growing in the love of God and neighbor.  The focus of these groups is to share life on a deeper level with a few others.  They are for ordinary, everyday people who face real life and want to journey with people who are real.

Let us grow together in groups in this journey of faith so all around us may witness God doing His work THROUGH US in the world.