“My house shall be called a house of prayer.” Matthew 21:13


 At Friendswood Methodist we are a house of prayer and you are invited to join with us in uniting our hearts together in prayer. We hope you will take advantage of one of the opportunities listed below. Also, you are invited to make use of the provided prayer resources for both your personal times of prayer and times of group prayer.


If you have a prayer need or praise to be included on the prayer list, send an email to:, complete a prayer request card available in the foyer, or click on the button below!


Believing that God still works healing through and in the lives of people, the mission of the Prayer Ministry is to bring the healing power of Christ to others - for the glory of God and the good of all.


Prayer Ministry team members are available to pray with you during Sunday morning services. For all the information about what this ministry does, how they do and how to become involved email


• The Prayer Ministry offers private appointments (in person or virtual) to pray with you for healing and wholeness.


• The Prayer Ministry serves our community with Pop-up Prayer (PUP) tents at the park and other locations.


•Prayer Ministry members are available to teach, share testimonies, and pray with your small group, class, or life group.



We have time set aside for prayer within our Sunday morning services. During this time, you may pray at the altar, pray with a member of our prayer ministry team, or pray where you are seated.


Our prayer ministry team is available to join with you in prayers for wholeness, restoration, inner healing, and physical healing.


Our church is like a family. Like all families, we know that when facing times of trial or transition, it’s important to be surrounded by people who love unconditionally and cover us in prayer.


We have an active online private Facebook Prayer community. This is a standalone group where needs are shared and prayers are made within the Facebook Group.



Guido Giovannini - Methodist Clear Lake 

Bob Wright - The Crossings

Helen Jobe - Friendship Haven


Week ending 1/19/25

Family of Delma Vail - bereavement

Family of Brenda Paulk - bereavement

Jeremy Ignatious - hip replacement surgery

Joseph Musselman - bicycle accident - broken jaw

Lyle & Beth Slack - safe travels

Paul & Phyllis Tidwell - healing & strength

Trevor & Becky Tidwell - health & stamina

Rod Kanard - shoulder injury

Greg Taylor - praise - finished radiation treatments

Debbie Shepherd - health

Sherry Bass - health

Mark Williams - healing

Billie Alston - good health

Amy Greenlee - health & finances

Los Angeles wildfires

Barbara Armstrong

Susan Geissler - cancer treatments

Jamee Stampley - health & complete healing

Kevin Kabell - healing & peace in his battle with cancer

Kathy Turner - complete healing from spinal injury

Jerry Smith - health & healing

Larry Fuller - healing, comfort & peace

Week ending 1/12/25

Family of Brenda Paulk - bereavement

Mary Arnold & family - loss of her brother 

Fresh wind of the Holy Spirit to blow through our congregation

Mark Williams - healing

Keith Williams - start of school

Barrett Miller - kidney cancer

Jack Arbaugh - to continue the progress he has made in school

Alisa Copeland - peace, comfort & guidance in life transition

Rita Talutis - illness

Sherry Bass - health

Greg Taylor - health

Billiebeth Record - good health

Kayla Cassidy

Susan Geissler - biopsy results

Jamee Stampley - health & complete healing

Kevin Kabell - healing & peace in his battle with cancer

Kathy Turner - complete healing from spinal injury

Jerry Smith - health & healing

Larry Fuller - healing, comfort & peace